I tend to do a bit of scrolling online when I’m drunk and feeling horny. I’ll log into CamBB.xxx and flirt with the performers. The other night I was checking out all the different options and landed on blonde tranny cams without realizing it. I saw missicute18 and started chatting it up with her. This blonde bombshell has a personality that’s every bit as hot as her body. She’s completely down-to-earth and easy to talk to. After a few minutes of flirting, she took her shirt off, and let me just say, her tits are exquisite. My cock got hard, so I started jerking off while she caressed her breasts. She eventually stood up and that’s when I saw that she had a rock-hard cock between her legs. I was more than a bit surprised, but the biggest shock was that I liked it. I was more turned on than I’ve ever been.
This is why I always suggest to people that they should scroll through all their options. You never know when you’ll stumble across something new and exciting that you never imagined would turn you on.